30 Day Reading Challenge – Day 3

Day 3 – Favourite Series

This was so hard since there are so many that I’ve loved but I remember being obsessed with the ‘His Dark Materials’ trilogy by Philip Pullman when I was around 12/13 and I literally bought a new copy a few days ago. I think it was my first real introduction to fantasy/world building and I loved it. My friend borrowed me the books and I just couldn’t stop reading them.

I went to see the film with my dad when it first came out and though it was different from the book I still really enjoyed it. I really liked the concepts of daemons and dust and just the whole universe as a whole and it really piqued my interest in fantasy books. I’m definitely going to reread it soon and I’d recommend it to anybody whose interested in the fantasy genre or just anybody interested in something really fun to read.
